Friday, June 22, 2012


there must be a division between the instincts of nature - passion, emotions, feelings, desires and all things common with animals - and the capabilities of human intellect, namely the capacity for reason and will.

Reading moral philosophy is enlightening - slowly but surely it is dragging me out of nihilism. Sure, there still isn't much of meaning in life, but the pursuit of the Good has got to be the most valuable enterprise in this meaningless life; to pursue the Good for its own sake, not for any power but simply because any rational man must pursue it. Reconciling definitions of what is "Good", however, takes more effort: Aristotelian ethics and Kantian ethics provide two really different conceptualizations of the Good, yet I think/feel that something is missing.

My nihilistic conceptions of society has not yet faltered. I still believe that such ideals are impossible to be carried out in flawed humanity, but at the very least I shall try for myself.


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